Baby Horse Jersey With Angus Cows Baby Red
Highland Cows (and 8 fun facts you need to know almost these legen-dairy beasts!)
Written by: Caitlin
Published: 7th Nov 2019, last updated: 17th Nov 2021
Highland cows are often known as the gentle giants of Scotland. With their long horns, and flowing cherry-red locks, these iconic beasts are hands recognised, but how much do you really know almost them? This article aims to explore the magnificent creatures in more than detail, and by the end nosotros are certain you will fall as udder-ly in love with them as we have!
Fun Highland Moo-cow fact ane: The Highland Cow is the oldest registered breed of cattle in the world!
How to recognise Scottish Highland Cattle?
They take distinctive horns and long, wavy, woolly coats that can be a range of colours, including crimson, ginger, black, dun, yellow, white, grayness, tan, silvery and brindle. Highland cows are raised primarily for their meat, which is growing in popularity due to being lower in cholesterol than other forms of beef.
Perhaps the most recognisable colouring of Highland Cattle
These cattle are a hardy breed, designed to withstand the conditions in the Scottish Highlands. Their long hair is actually an unusual double coat of hair- on the outside is the oily outer hair, the longest of any cattle breed, and it is covering a downy undercoat underneath. The bulls tin can way upwardly to a whopping 800kg, and the cows up to 500kg, and their milk generally has a very high butterfat content.
Their distinctive long hair keeps them warm in winter, overs protection from the brush and undergrowth, protects their eyes from flies and is contributes to their stunning appearance which makes them and then popular. The hair gets shorter in Summertime and is not equally long when they are bred in Southern climates. Having such long hair too means that they exercise not need to store the waste fat you find in some other breeds of cattle.
Fun fact 2: Nobody is quite sure if these cows can actually encounter where they are going! Only whether they have super-vision or heightened other senses they certainly manage to find what they are looking for, even with that long fringe, known equally a 'dossan' blocking the way!
The history of Highland Cows
During the 18th century thousands and thousands of highland cattle grazed upon the forests and hills of Strathspey, and in the Summer they were even taken upwards into the high Corries. Herdsmen stayed in temporary buildings in the hills (called shielings) to look after them, whilst their relatives had to stay at abode to assemble crops for their winter feeds.
When they were fattened enough for marketplace the cattle were driven forth trackways through the mountains, called collection roads. They walked just a few miles each day staying in regular stances every night where the animals could graze and stay rubber.
The markets were held in places like Falkirk, Crieff & Carlisle and buyers came all the fashion from England to pay good prices for what they called high quality 'Scotch runts'. So called considering the Highland cattle were smaller. At one market in the early 1800s some £xxx,000 changed hands, an absolute fortune by today's standards!
They were and then popular, that cattle thieving was common and individuals could utilise for a commission to ready an official Watch, which farmers would pay to retrieve stolen stock. Rob Roy MacGregor operated a Watch and was likewise a cattle dealer, drover and sometimes – thief. If you are interested in Rob Roy MacGregor then you tin detect out more than about him Here.
While Highland Cows today are mostly recognised for their distinctive red coats, once upon a fourth dimension they were predominately black.
Fun fact three: Queen Victoria is said to have commented on a trip to the Highlands that she preferred the ruby coloured cattle and in an effort to please the Queen, this resulted in selective breeding of the blood-red color that we run across about often today and the black color gradually declining over time.Originally, the breed was divided into two classes, the Westward Highlands or Kyloe, and the Highlander.
Originally, the brood was divided into ii classes, the W Highlands or Kyloe, and the Highlander.
The Kyloes were raised on the western islands of Scotland, and tended to be of a smaller size. They had a college per centum of black and brindled cattle than the mainland Highlanders. The size departure was probably due more to the severe climate and express rations that the island cattle were subjected to, rather than to any genetic variation betwixt the classes. Today all members of the breed are but called Highland.
Where do Highland Cows live?
They originated in the Highlands and the Outer Hebrides islands of Scotland equally early as in the 6th century. These days they can likewise exist found across the south of Scotland, in other parts of Europe, equally well as in Australia and North and South America too.Highland Cattle can even be establish foraging 10,000 feet up in the Andes!
Fun fact iv: If you are seeking the Highland Cow whilst visiting their country of origin, yous may notice yourself with more success if you ask the locals to point you in the direction of the "Hairy Coos", every bit they are locally and affectionately known.
Oft these hitting beasts can be spotted in fields along the roadside, all over the Highlands, especially in places like the Cairngorms National Park or roaming gratuitous on the road itself across the Northward Due west.
What are Highland Cows used for?
Highland Moo-cow Milk
Highland cows can be milked on a small-scale calibration, they will never make equally much milk as a product milk cow, but enough for personal use, one cow can produce on average around ii gallons per day. Their milk has an extremely high butterfat content, upwards to ten%, which some farmers may find appealing, but others have stated is a required taste! The Highland has much smaller teats than other breeds of cattle.
Highland Cattle Meat
Breeding for meat is why a lot of farmers go on the Hairy Coos. Their meat is lean, but well marbled, normally rated as premium beef. Pure Highland beef comes at a price, pure Highland beefiness commands a premium price due to its fine texture, succulent flavor and high protein content. Numerous tests in Scotland have shown that Highland Cattle meat is lower in both fatty and cholesterol than even chicken! It besides is high in Iron.
Fun fact 5: The Queen has a herd of Highland Cattle and information technology is rumoured to be the only kind of beef she will swallow!
Scotch beef farming is nothing similar intensive cattle farming, the organisation prioritises the welfare and well-existence of it's animals. Due to the grazing state being often unsuitable for growing alternative foods, not to mention the depression temperature and high rainfall, Highland Cattle farming is considered to be highly environmentally sustainable.
Cantankerous-convenance Highland Cows
The market place for high-quality meat is declining as many people are searching for lower toll options. To address this refuse in popularity, it is condign a common exercise to breed Highland "suckler" cows with other breeds, such equally a Shorthorn or Limousin bull. This creates a crossbred beefiness calf that has the tender beefiness of its female parent but at a more competitive market price.
These crossbred beef suckler cows will even so inherit the hardiness, thrift and fantastic mothering capabilities of their Highland mothers, but are more than commercially friendly. They can and then be further cross-bred with a modern beef balderdash such as a Limousin or a Charolair to still produce good quality beef.
Showing Highland Cows
For showing purposes, Highland cattle can be sometimes clean-cut with oils and conditioners to give the coats a fluffy advent, similar to that of their calves, leading to the affectionate nickname of 'fluffy cows'.
The brood standards guidelines, which are used to ensure that the animals produced past a breeder are of the highest standard, includes direction on how to judge the animals in four main areas: the head, the neck, the dorsum and trunk, and the hair. Criteria looked for includes natural horns, being wide between the eyes, short and directly legs and wavy hair. Find out more at the Highland Cattle Society.
Fun fact 6: The most noticeable difference between the 2 sexes is their horns. A balderdash's horns frequently grow forwards or fifty-fifty slightly downwards and have a much wider base, whereas a cow'due south face up upwards and are longer and finer at the tip than a balderdash'due south horns.
The much coveted fluffy coat of a Highland Dogie!
Are Highland Cows Friendly?
Brusk answer- yes! These fantastic beasts have a reputation for their fantastic temperament, non a moo-dy cow in sight!
They are known for beingness a very docile beast, never showing whatever aggression and are very low stress to keep and manage. Inside their herds they accept a not bad agreement of their own social hierarchy and never fight. They too enjoy the company of humans, often approaching walkers seeking affection.
They have even been kept as pets! Highlanders accept been living alongside man for thousands of years, with written record every bit far dorsum as the yr 1200-Ad, and archeological finds that take them back to 1200-BC. In the before days, in winter the cows would come up into the home and their body heat helped warm the home. This had the added benefit of also keeping others from stealing them.
Fun fact 7: The collective name for a grouping of cows is unremarkably a herd. Nevertheless, a group of Highland cattle is known as a 'fold' – named after the open shelters they can be kept in over winter.
What do Highland Cows eat?
It is possible to have entirely grass fed Highlands, they will survive on roughage and poor grazing including brush if necessary. Breeders however volition often supplement with good hay, harbinger, green feed or silage in the winter, or some have their own unique diets for their herd which they swear by, from strictly grass and hay diets, to cereal grains, or barley, wheat or corn silage, or even peas and turnips! Actress mineral supplements may be used by farmers, peculiarly for meaning cows and mothers with calves still with them.
In general though as long as there is admission to plenty of fresh water, these beasts will thrive. Highland Cattle are fantastic scavengers; they will swallow almost anything if it has food value, including poison ivy, honeysuckle vines, tree leaves they can reach and cedar copse. In fact, when hungry they will make clean entire wood up as high as they can reach. These wonderful hardy animals have the ability to thrive in poor pastures that other cattle would surely die in.
Highland Cattle Calves
The simply fourth dimension it is generally non regarded every bit a skillful idea to approach the Highland Cow, is when she is with her calf. These gorgeous animals are known for being fantastic mothers and could be defensive and protective over their young.
Fun fact viii: Female parent Highlands are known for ofttimes breeding beyond the age of 18 and raising 15 or more calves in their lifetime! Impressive, hey? Rather them than me!
They calve alone with no help what then ever, generally giving birth to small calves, averaging 50-75 pounds, but they practice grow very quickly once born. The calves moderate bone structure and slim conformation along with the cow'southward broad pelvic reduce calving problems such equally caesarean and prolapse.
It is not merely the mothers that take adept care of their calves and will protect them from predators- the whole fold will prioritise and protect the calves.
So at that place you have it…
Perchance next time you stumble across ane of these photogenic animals with their just-jumped-out-of-bed hairstyles, you will observe yourself looking past their beauty and remembering all the other reasons for their 'super-coo' status!
Highland cows flourish in environments where many feebler cows tin't exist, they live in freezing and wet weather and they provide economic contribution to the most remote areas of Scotland by making use of the poor grazing ground.
It is too truthful that they live longer than other breeds, they produce leaner meat, and near of all they have a much friendlier temperament. As a breed, they're exceptionally hardy and robust, and absolutely gorgeous, making them in our optics, more than worthy of their worldwide popularity…. Oh, and the Queen agrees as well!
An authentic Hairy Coo in his Highland Titles tartan!
If you fancy your very own Highland Cow to snuggle upwardly to, you can pick up ane of these adorable furry friends HERE!
Highland Cow Cuddly Toy
Virtually the writer
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